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Dunwoody Wildcat Theatre
2023-2024 Forms & Fees

All students are expected to sell at least 1 advertisement for the Playbill. 

This can be a student tribute from the parents or sell an ad to a local business.  Print the  Chicago Ad Letter here. 



Join the Drama Club and take advantage of all that DWT has to offer!  Membership is required to be in the Fall/Spring Show, Improv Troupe, or Speech Team. Included in the fee is the annual Drama T-Shirt and discounted show tickets. 


Print and send in the Drama Club Membership Form to Mr. Gay along with $50 payment to Join. 



Be a part of the Speech Team and develop your speaking skills while having fun with your friends! 


Print submit the fee of $100 to Mr. Gay.



Email Mr. Gay if you'd like to participate.  Free with Drama Club membership.



Dues are $75 



Sign up for auditions on Signup Genius and once the cast is announced, $100 payment will be requested. 




Cash in an envelope addressed to Mr Gay with the application form. Bring to Mr Gay personally.


Check in an envelope addressed to Mr. Gay made payable to Dunwoody Wildcat Theatre Boosters, Inc along with the application form. Bring to Mr. Gay personally.


Paypal by clicking HERE. Note that a $5 is automatically charged. You can complete the application form online and make payment.



Student and Parent Application Form for Drama and Speech. 

Fill in Form and Pay Fees via PayPal




Sharp and Pointy Form


Expense Reimbursement form 




     The Dunwoody High Speech Team came home Saturday with a handful of state championship trophies.   Brandon Jasper is GFCA Speech and Debate State Champion in Humorous Interpretation.  Mariana Greene was second, Cole Carter, fourth, and Fernando Ramirez, sixth in Humorous Interp.  Anna Jean Lower placed second in Dramatic Interpretation, followed by Anshula Phadke, third, and Torin Blake-Hayden, fifth.  Glo From was a semi-finalist in Original Oratory.  

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